Top NFT Influencers that you need to follow in 2022

For sure, 2022 is going to be a big year for NFTs. On the other hand, Metaverse is expanding drastically. That, in turn, will boost NFTs globally, as well. That makes it the right time to dive straight into the realm of NFTs. However, you need guidance and someone who will make it easier for you.

For that, NFT Influencers are best for sure. You will find NFT influencers who will keep you posted on the latest trends and upcoming NFTs. That way, you can keep up with the fast-paced world of NFTs. Most of these NFT influencers are financial, technology, and crypto experts. That makes them well suited for this role. You will also find billionaires and entrepreneurs as NFT influencers. 

You can follow these NFT influencers on various online and social media platforms. That makes it super easy to keep an eye on their latest posts. If you are not aware of any NFT influencer, do not worry. We can totally help you with that. 

For this post, let us walk you through the list of top NFT influencers that you definitely need to follow in 2022. However, you need to make sure to set a direction for yourself. Stay focused. With that being said, let us now begin. 

Top NFT Twitter Influencers to Follow in 2022

Below, we have a list of top NFT followers. Please know that the list is in no particular order. Most importantly, the number of followers does not decide the quality of their advice and content. That is why; observe each of these with a fair judgment. Have a look! 

Drop by to follow these individuals!

Mark Cuban 

Starting the list with one of the world’s leading billionaires, Mr. Mark Cuban. You might know him as the famous Shark Tank investor and media personality. For Mark, the future belongs to NFTs. Moreover, he is the force behind NFT platforms such as Super Rare and Mintable. In addition, Mark Cuban owns a collection of Hashmasks and Bored Apes. With a Twitter following of 8.5 million, Mark regularly shares the latest trends and his views on NFTs. 


Next, on Instagram, Mike Winkelmann is famously known as Beeple_Craps. Mike is a leading graphic designer based in Charleston, United States. That makes him a viable NFT creator as well. He commands an Instagram following of 2.4 million and keeps his followers regularly updated. 

He is a trendsetter. In 2021, he became the first-ever digital creator for offering an NFT work through the Christie’s Auction. Not just that! He sold one of the most expensive NFTs as well. It was a collage of his daily sketchbook, named “Everydays,” for a whopping $69 million. 

Gary Vaynerchuk 

On Instagram, Gary has the username Garyvee and has over 9.3 million followers on the platform. He is the founder of Vayner Media and Vayner Sports. Moreover, he is an angel investor and a five-time bestselling author at the New York Times. He has invested in various companies such as Twitter, Venmo, Tumblr, Uber, and Meta (previously known as Facebook). Vayner is of the opinion that NFTs will bring a phenomenal consumer shift. 

Elizabeth Stark 

Yet another brilliant NFT influencer, Elizabeth, is the CEO of Lightning Labs. She is one of the finest Blockchain entrepreneurs, open-internet, and an educator. She has the username Starkness on Twitter and has a following of 139.3K. Elizabeth graduated from Harvard Law School and is a fellow at the Yale Information Society Project. 


UAE, especially Dubai, is going to be the biggest hub of NFT enthusiasts in a few coming years. UAE Nft is an NFT collector and Emirati entrepreneur based in Dubai. He is an emerging influencer. However, his approach to NFTs and their future speaks volumes. UAE Nft is the co-founder of Bedu. He is also an investor in Web3 and Metaverse. He committed to educating a young lot of UAE and the Middle East about the benefits of NFTs and the advancement of the Digital Space. 


There are many individuals in the NFT community worth following. By starting with the big names, it gives you a good familiarity with the space to understand where the action is flowing and how to find it. Study these individual’s opinions and success to find your way into the right part of the NFT influencer space.

Lastly, check out our NFT list to find projects!

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