Shopify NFT: Integrate Blockchain with your Store

The news has hit and Shopify now allows store owners to integrate with the blockchain. Shopify has unlocked a great potential for store owners that have NFT projects associated with their work. Or, if you’re an existing storeowner, you can now ‘tokengate’ your store and certain products. This is a revolutionary move in the ecommerce world and will set digital store owners up for incredible new customer experiences. Read on as we share more about Shopify NFTs.

What is TokenGating with Shopify’s NFT Integration?

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The biggest news about Shopify’s new NFT and token integration is the ability to ‘tokengate’ your products.

What this means is, Shopify store owners can allow only certain NFT owners to buy certain products on their Shopify store. This will take on the form of many other blockchain/crypto integrated websites. Users will connect to Shopify with their wallet, whether it’s an Ethereum wallet or a Solana wallet. Then, once they connect, if their ownership of the proper NFT is verified by the blockchain, they can access the ‘tokengated’ products on the Shopify store.

Further, an example of this is an NFT project that would like to open up merchandise access to only holders of their NFT. The Shopify store owner would set up ‘tokengated’ goods. Then, the NFT holders would open up the website and sign into their wallet. Using Ethereum as an example, users would use MetaMask to connect to the blockchain and login. Then, the Shopify store will read the user’s MetaMask wallet and grant them access to the goods that are ‘tokengated’.

This has bridged a gap for many NFT and Shopify store owners. They no longer need to set up complex code to enable this type of ‘tokengating’ feature. Utility for NFT holders will expand and new opportunities are now open with merchandise and other Shopify abilities.
On Shopify, this can be setup by adding a ‘tokengating’ app to the Shopify store. Read more on the official Shopify article to find out how to add tokengating to a Shopify setup:

Selling Shopify NFTs Directly

The next big news is that Shopify owners can now directly sell NFTs on their store. This works through the same method as above: Users will open the website, log in with their blockchain wallet, and then they can purchase NFTs from the store. This is a powerful integration, as Shopify is so popular that users can now offer a multitude of products including NFTs.

This will certainly expand NFT utility in many ways, as Shopify owners find unique things to sell NFTs for, and they can sell NFTs alongside their brand merchandise or products.

What also makes this integration special is that users can buy NFTs using Shopify Pay. If users don’t own any cryptocurrency, they won’t need to acquire any for the NFT transaction. This makes shopping experiences and NFT integration with Shopify smooth and easy.

The opportunities are endless with this addition from Shopify, and the most unique ideas will prove vastly successful.

More Shopify NFT Tips

Tokengating can also happen across storefronts. To explain, this means that one NFT project can be tokengated on multiple stores, or one store can add their token access to another store. Projects can then collaborate and allow one NFT holder special access to a different store for a limited amount of time or permanently.

Shopify has an excellent mobile app. Now, between Shopify’s clean mobile experience and the NFT integration, access to buying Shopify NFTs is simple. Take advantage of all of Shopify’s customizations that you can, and turn your digital store into an integrated and fascinating experience for customers and NFT holders.


Shopify’s blockchain and NFT integration sets storeowners and NFT project owners up in a fantastic way. Tokengating merchandise has made it easy for NFT projects to sell merchandize to NFT holders only, and the other features offered by Shopify will also help make the experience easy and fun.

Shopify continues to explore new, cutting edge ideas just like this one, and now the blockchain world has a stake in the fantastic digital store software.

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